Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

A Return to Horror's Roots: A Look at Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Resident Evil, a pioneer in the survival horror genre, has delivered pulse-pounding scares for decades. In 2017, the franchise took a bold step with Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, offering a chilling return to its horror roots.

A New Perspective, A New Terror

Resident Evil 7 abandons the third-person action focus of previous entries, opting for a first-person perspective. This shift places you directly in the shoes of Ethan Winters, a seemingly ordinary man thrust into a nightmare. The claustrophobic environments and intimate perspective heighten the sense of terror as you navigate the horrors that await.

A Desolate Plantation and a Twisted Family

Ethan finds himself trapped in a dilapidated plantation house belonging to the seemingly deranged Baker family. As you explore the decaying mansion and surrounding swamps, you'll uncover a dark secret involving twisted experiments, biological mutations, and a nightmarish struggle for survival.

Crafting and Resource Management

Unlike previous entries with ample ammo and resources, Resident Evil 7 forces you to scavenge for supplies. You'll need to meticulously manage your inventory, crafting weapons and healing items from scarce materials. This emphasis on resource scarcity adds another layer of tension to the gameplay, making every encounter a desperate fight for survival.

A Haunting Atmosphere and Grotesque Enemies

Resident Evil 7 excels at crafting a truly unsettling atmosphere. The decaying environments, unsettling sound design, and grotesque enemy design all work in concert to create a palpable sense of dread. You'll encounter twisted creatures infected by a mysterious biohazard, each encounter a fight for your sanity and survival.

A Return to Form for the Franchise

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard marked a successful return to the series' roots. With its first-person perspective, emphasis on resource management, and nightmarish atmosphere, the game delivers a truly terrifying experience that will leave a lasting impression on even the most seasoned horror veterans.